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One Simple Trick to Beat Negative Thoughts. FOR GOOD.

Your thoughts could be sabotaging your happiness. By learning this one important tool and overcoming negative mindsets, you will unlock your potential and rewrite this chapter of your story. Avoid the loops of negativity that may be stunting your potential and happiness. It's time to discover your power and transform your life with positive thought patterns.

This is an exercise that I use with myself when I have negative thoughts, and also use with my clients. 

1: Ask yourself: is it true? 

2: Is it really true? 

3: How do you feel? How do you behave when you have that thought? 

4: Who would you be without that thought?

5: Turn that thought around. 

I was working with a woman who was feeling so sad about how her mom doesn't phone her, resulting in her feeling like her mother doesn't love her, isn't there for her. I asked her if it is true? She said, “of course, it's true”. I then asked, if it is really true that your mom doesn't love you. She thought about it for a bit and said “maybe my mom does love me. She just never calls me. And it's so annoying and frustrating”. I then asked her how she would feel if she didn't have that thought. She said she’d feel pretty good and probably feel a little lighter. Maybe she’d even want to give her a call. 

The point of this story was to tell you that when you take a thought that has been burdening you, bringing you down and change that or turn that around, things in your life will change.

Try out this exercise when you start having negative thoughts. You will notice a real difference in the way you view things. When you want to share this experience and are ready to take things forward in a positive, healthy manner, you can schedule a call with me. I help women transition through divorce gracefully and help them create a positive transition for their families.

Remember, you are strong, you are capable, and you are not alone.




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