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Happiness in Divorce

Divorce is such a negative word in our society and there's so much negative stigma around it.

You're selfish. You're a failure. You haven't tried hard enough. You're a quitter. You're weak.

These are the messages and things that we hear about divorce. And if that's how you think about divorce now, it's going to make transitioning through it that much more difficult, that much more emotional, that much more upsetting for you.

If this is how you feel, I invite you to think about divorce a little differently. What have you experienced in your marriage that's positive? Do you have beautiful children? Have you maybe gained some self-awareness as to what you want in life? Have you grown as an individual, as a mom, as a person, as a parent, as a father, as a daughter? Have you loved deeply and unconditionally? Think about what you have learned throughout this relationship. If you think about divorce as a transition in your life that is okay.

Ask yourself, if I think about divorce differently, how will I transition through the process differently? What if you could move through the divorce process feeling love, and openness, willingness to communicate, re-envisioning your future with a more positive experience? What if you could think about divorce as a time to build a new relationship with your partner, a new relationship with your children? What if you teach your kids that family is much more than just a few things? 

Maybe you can think about it a little differently, and you'll move through this transition in a much better, more positive way. You'll attract the right people into your corner. Your children will also transition through it positively. Some people will not be a part of your life anymore, but new people will come into your life. There's hope and possibility. Your family can be okay. 

I transitioned through divorce 18 years ago, and it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. I'm doing this work now because I want to help you move through the process quicker than I did, and feel better about yourself along the way.

There's so much that can come out of your life here if you change the way you view your situation right now. If you are in the divorce process right now and you're struggling and you're looking for someone who can help you navigate the complexities. Book a call with me.

Remember you are loved. You are perfect just the way that you are.




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